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6 posts

How Banks Create Money

This video explains why fractional reserve banking and the money multiplier theory are myths and how banks do, in fact, create money. Want to know more about money creation? Check out the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… Want to know more about central banking? Check out the playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list… Check out how I […]

main street sidewalk

Public Banks can save local governments millions on infrastructure to spend on Main Street.

Local U.S. governments collectively pay $160 billion annually just for interest on loans. Half the cost of infrastructure is interest, which normally goes to wealthy bondholders. The Bay Bridge Retrofit in Oakland, CA, for instance, cost $6 billion in principal plus another $6 billion in interest. With low rates from a public bank, infrastructure […]

Meet Ohioans for Public Banks

The Coalition for Public Banking in Ohio is working to make banking in the public interest a reality. We have hosted virtual meetings to share the concept of public banking with fellow Ohioans. The needs in Ohio communities are many and urgent. We’re gathering again to develop effective strategies to build a diverse […]