Meet Ohioans for Public Banks

The Coalition for Public Banking in Ohio is working to make banking in the public interest a reality.

We have hosted virtual meetings to share the concept of public banking with fellow Ohioans.

The needs in Ohio communities are many and urgent.

  • Affordable loans small businesses
  • Affordable housing
  • Infrastructure projects – transit, water, sewer, utility upgrades, Internet for all
  • Renewable energy and updating buildings for energy efficiency
  • localizing and strengthening food and farming systems
  • strengthening local community banks and credit unions
  • refinancing student loans

We’re gathering again to develop effective strategies to build a diverse coalition of advocates for public banking in Ohio.

Stay in the loop. Subscribe for Updates.

Updates are Sponsored by Support Our Local Economies

For more background, including short video introductions to public banking, visit The Public Banking Institute.

Our current members: